Heart silver says tesla share price will amount to 160 dollars to list 5 big reasons

Beijing t most popular selling canon ef 15mm ime on July 27 morning message, zhou Wufa of heart volition bank expresses research to report, tesla of manufacturer of will electric car (the stock grade of Tesla) from " hold " increase to " buy " , s memory laptop toshiba till will look mark is moved to 160 dollars on valence at the same time. The report says, tesla share price still has latent capacity to be in 3-4 rises once more inside year one times above.

Analyst of heart volition bank Dan Jiaerweisi (Dan Galves) is written in an investor report, "We begin to realize eventually, wall street is chased after holding tesla in both hands is well-founded, we valued the risk that tesla faces too in the past. " Jia the most popular brooch pins erweisi says, 5 reasons made him change the integral view to tesla under. dearfoam slipper

1. The United States " consu free brooch pins mer reports " the comment alleviated we are right of tesla quality problem anxious, many inchoate user the best selling brooch pins s ever encountered this kind of problem.

2. In American market, tesla order year change a value to already was added reach 20 thousand, and first quarter year change a value to be 1.2-1.3 10 thousand, alleviated thereby we can worry duratively to tesla demand.

3. Super fill power station network form, can expand probably and maintain the competitive dominant position of tesla.

4. We to tesla interest rate of wool of the four seasons is achieved 25% have hope more. Actually, we ever predicted outstanding achievement of the 2nd season can exceed tesla this year an most popular selling t mobile prepaid cards ticipate. Now, we think tesla shipment volume may rise 35% , achieve 50 thousand.

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5. According to the independent survey that we undertake, we predict the 3rd era nowTesla carWill lead with 25% right-and-left gross profit, complete close the most popular memory laptop toshiba and the difference that are not electric car to go up in cost.

Tesla share price rose these days 4% , to 129 dollars free memory laptop toshiba . This are in some earlier this year moment still wanders in 30 dollars left and right sides, but begin to rise ceaselessly from May. Up to now, tesla share price since this year already accumulative total rose 280% . Tesla on the United States will release after stock market closing quotation on August 7 local time new newspaper of one season money. (Xuan Chen)