Profit of SamSung electron quarter first " chase after smooth " apple

Zhang Zhenhe of reporter of □ our newspaper

Electron of SamSung of manufacturer of large electron equipment releases Korea 26 days newspaper of money of the 2nd quarter showed 2013, its soar compared to the same period when season business profit 48% to 9.53 trillion Han yuan (add up to) of 8.58 billion dollar about, sale grows 21% to come compared to the same period 57.46 trillion Han Yuan (add up to) of 51.75 billion dollar about, in pairs achieves the history new tall. In addition, samSung electron is become season net profit already with United States of the tycoon inside another free t mobile prepaid cards course of studyApplefurniture lightThe company fits, the market is valued further to SamSung electron foreground.

But also the personage inside course of study points out, the outstanding achievement of SamSung electron still slightly under the market before this anticipate generally, its net profit is led also not as good as apple. Look into future, high-end smartphone market has appeared certain and saturated phenomenon, samSung electron regards industry bibcock as one of enterprises, be faced with mobile phone business to increase the pressure that puts delay likewise.

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Newspaper of SamSung electron money shows, be in up to the 2nd quarter June 30, profit of SamSung electron net is 7.7 trillion Han yuan (add up to) of 6.9 billion dollar about, relatively go up the 5.1 trillion Hanyuan growth of year of the corresponding period 50% . Sale is 57.5 trillion Han yuan, relatively go up the 47.6 trillion Hanyuan growth of year of the corresponding period 21% , not only prep above company released preliminary money to announce the correct time on July 5 predicted 57 trillion Han yuan, return refresh history record. Business profit also grows 48% compared to the same period, achieve record-breaking 9.53 tr the most popular memory card digital cameras illion Han yuan.

SamSung electron expresses, the beautiful accomplishment of the 2nd quarter is IM(IT of main profit from, mobile) business and spare parts (Device Solution, the driving development impetus of DS) business. The abidance of Galaxy S4 sell like hot cakes pulls the outstanding achievement that used IM career department, soar in sale of and other places of North America, Latin America, China especially, 2 quarters sale is this branch 35.54 trillion Han Yuan (add up to) of 32 billion dollar about, business profit is 6.28 trillion Han yuan (add up to) of 5.65 billion dollar about. Additional, semiconductor career ministry also bec the most popular brooch pins ause of memory, shine put the improvement of structure of supply and demand that waits for semiconductor, and sales volume of mobile terminal product increases, sale and profit all get ameliorative.

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The personage still expresses related SamSung electron, will enter IT product to sell busy season the best selling scooby costume as second half of the year, samSung electron will increase continuously in outstanding achievement of second half of the year, spare parts branch is based on the competition ability of product of high additional cost and characteristic product, also hopeful brings more profit for the company.

Data still shows, turnover is SamSung electron first half of the year this year one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and thirty billion Han Yuan (add up to) of 99.3 billion dollar about, increase compared to the same period 19% ; Business profit is 18.31 trillion Han yuan (add up to) of 16.5 billion dollar about, increase compared to the same period 51% .

Although net profit rises greatly compared to the same period 50% , but suffer the element such as saturation of high-end smartphone market to restrain, sales volume of SamSung electron smartphone all is not like person meaning, star product GALAXY S4 is in the 2nd quarter in all work off 22 million, anticipate under the market slightly. SamSung electron also did not amount to the market to anticipate when season net profit, data of statistic of Peng rich company shows, market analyst before this predict on average, profit of net profit of the 2nd quarter is SamSung electron 8.02 trillion Han Yuan; The investigation of FactSet of provider of data of finance and economics shows, the analyst predicts profit of net profit of the 2nd quarter is SamSung on average 7.96 trillion Han Yuan, both all profit of net of border of seed of report of prep above SamSung.

Divide almost the same hard with the apple

dearfoam slipperRegard the whole world as two the most important smartphones and flat computer manufacturer, the difference between SamSung and apple is less and less. This year in April, inside the quarter June, the net gain of apple and SamSung is about 6.9 billion dollar. But the net gain of SamSung grows near 50% compared to the same period, this and malic net profit appear the gliding of 22% formed bright contrast. And in a quarter, malic net profit is 9.547 billion dollar, profit of SamSung electron net is 6.4 billion dollar, both differ 3 billion dollar.

Market personage points out, although on integral net profit SamSung electron is chased after,made the same score malic company, but former the net profit margin of 13.5% still far as the best selling canon ef 15mm the apple the net profit of 19.5% is led. Nevertheless, dot of contribution of SamSung electron profit is more, include mobile business, chip business and consumptive electron business. Among them, the SamSung shift professional work that basically is a smartphone realizes business gain when season 6.28 trillion Han Yuan, contributed the profit of 2/3 for SamSung electron. This year second half of the year, samSung electron still will roll out Ⅲ of GALAXY Note type of this heavy pound, predicting meeting has very good sales volume, this also will drive outstanding achievement of SamSung electron whole to continue to grow.

The report that American market studies to company Strategy Analytics was released recently says, volume of shipment of smartphone of whole world of the 2nd quarter rises 47% compared to the same period this year, achieve 229.4 million record-breaking, among them SamSung electron sells 76 million, market share expands to 33.1% , and malic company share is 13.6% , sales volume of the 2nd quarter is IPhone 31.2 million.

The personage inside course of study expresses, current global smartphone still is SamSung electron, apple two strong contend for hegemony, but the apple that does not have new model is in in free brooch pins ferior position apparently, below the strategy that SamSung electron hits out jointly in multiple product, the sales volume of thi memory card digital cameras s quarterly smartphone amounts brooch pins to an apple one times above. Although the message comes out, apple or many new mobile telephone will be released September, abandon the concept that Qiao Busi times gains the market by a mobile phone only, but this message did not get malic government affirms.