Beijing time is early on July 31 a message, Intelbrass faucetFirst " PC opening a source " already shipment. This is a kind of basic computer, aim at the developer of X86 application and the lover that hope to assemble computer independently.
Name of this one PC is MinnowBoard, have only merely advocate board, and without crust. This PC is mixed by Intel source advocate board joint development of manufacturer CircuitCo Electronics, begin to pass several shopkeeper to be sold with the price of 199 dollars from this month.
This is the first PC opening a source that uses Intel X86 processor, advocate board circuit pursues and design a file to already duplicated according to agreement of Creative Commons accredit is released and be being offerred. Come from powe t mobile prepaid cards r the is based on X86 processo free canon ef 15mm r development that fills an most popular selling scooby costume electron is covered had had carry out at present, but did not open a source.
modern dining chairsIntel s memory laptop toshiba till is passedFacebooksatin pjs" open computation project " shared server design, nevertheless Intel basically pays close attention to own design and the big company of production server. The dimension of MinnowBoard is 10.16x10.16 centimeter, this is the hardware opening a source that Intel faces lover and developer first times.
On current market other open a source advocate board all be based on small controller of ARM processor or Arduino, among them the famousest product includes Raspberry Pi. The getaway of this product the price is 25 dollars, sales volume already exceeded millions.
A source that the price prep above of MinnowBoard is based on ARM or Arduino advocate board, and because use older hardware, because this appeal is potential not big. MinnowBoard deployed 1GHz advocate the Intel approach of frequency uses E640 processor, this is to released a 2010 32 proce free brooch pins ssor.
Nevertheless, minnowBoard photograph is inferior to major PC price, because this can be attracted,write the developer that reachs test business application. These application will be reached finally by deploy server, embedded equipment and other consideration equipment. watch case
The other hardware configuration of MinnowBoard still includes interface of interface of 1GB DDR2 memory, HDMI, thousand aether net, USB interface and Micro-SD card to insert groove. This advocate board the development t most popular selling canon ef 15mm hat opens source UEFI firmware to support custom-made safety to start an environment. MinnowBoard installed Angstrom Linux system beforehand, project of compatible Yocto.
MinnowBoard still supports the Cheng Hexu transcending a line of Intel to plan to change a technolog free memory card digital cameras y at the same time. This is Intel proprietary technology, andAMDHe Weicheng uses different technique to quicken the data on chip to transmit. At present the online shopkeeper such as Digi-Key, Farnell, Mouser the best selling memory laptop toshiba Electronics and Newark already began to sell MinnowBoard.
Intel and CircuitCo also built website of an online community for MinnowBoard at the same time, offer about this one " PC opening a source " more parameter and other information. (Dimension gold)